Hōm’s Flower Essence Support Circles
“Hōm is a thoughtfully curated wellness app geared towards moms. There’s a good mix of physical and spirtual offerings with a highly supportive and encouraging vibe, A bright spot in the spate of judgmental wellness programs these days. Highly reccomend!” ”
What Are our support circles?
Hōm’s plant-based modality program will be the basis of these gatherings! We will navigate specific topics to help deepen your mind/body/spirit connection with tools that ultimately will help you navigate your life. Whether it be work/life balance or finding somewhere to start in your journey, these support circles will give you the grounding you need to take on the week.
Flower essences are a mental/emotional holistic therapy that support the vibrational makeup of our bodies. By supporting our emotional well-being, we are able to be fully rooted in our whole self.
How do they work?
The vibrational medicine of flower essence clear energy that needs to shift in our bodies. These shifts are small, but significant. Over time, flower essences paired with other modalities will make your physical/mental/ emotional body balanced.
Where do I start?
Sign up for a membership, join our support circle, and get paired with a flower essence instantly!
Sign up for our inclusive community here to access our exclusive community and have unlimited access to our support circles.