Employee Benefit Subsidization Request

Today’s modern workplaces are placing a deeper importance on the personal well-being of their employees, especially through big life transitions like entering motherhood/fatherhood, caring for a sick loved one, or any other of life’s unexpected curveballs and all that it encompases. If you work for a company that has yet to introduce policies or benefits that minimize employee illness by redefining employee wellness, increase retention and productivity and make holistic wellness accessible for all, we are offering the following benefit subsidization request to inform your company’s decision makers on the importance of prioritizing personal well-being in and support you and your family, so you can bring your best self to work and home, every day. 

Copy and Edit the Following Benefit Subsidization Request for Your Employer:


As of [INSERT DATE], I have [INSERT LIFE UPDATE] and will be managing this new reality at home for the next [INSERT TIMEFRAME]. I will be [ADD RELEVANT DETAILS ABOUT HOW THIS AFFECTS YOUR DAILY LIFE AND SPILLS INTO YOUR WORK]. With all this now on my plate, I am at risk for burnout that can adversely affect my on-the-job performance.

I have been researching how to effectively combine work and life in our modern day. I am working hard to prioritize my commitment to the goals and objectives of my role at [COMPANY’S NAME] and to my commitment to being present at home and for my family, as well. I know that [YOUR COMPANY'S NAME] takes pride in ensuring all employees feel supported on the job. But, the mental load carried by individuals and working parents today results in decreased creativity, focus, and energy at work. Outside of work, your top performers are trying to do it all. We're doing it in the wee hours, between our regular daily responsibilities and without a support team. Our fast-paced lives put your employee's, your best asset, at risk for burnout that can adversely affect their on-the-job performance.

In 2019, the World Health Organization officially classified workplace burnout as an occupational phenomenon in its revision of the International Classification of Diseases. 36% of US workers reported dealing with feelings of on-the-job burnout every single week.

Hōm is a new support for modern working moms and their families. We are in a state of increased stress and unprecedented times. Many mothers worldwide are presented with multitudes of challenges on their mental and physical health while struggling to maintain “normalcy” in the home and find some sense of joy/happiness. We’re called to redefine the standards of motherhood wellness as attainable for all. 

I would like to request Hōm’s services to be subsidized as a benefit for eligible [YOUR COMPANY'S NAME] employees.

There are no current online communities like Hōm that offer women, much less working moms, access to a collective of holistic practitioners (mental, physical and emotional health) available to support them on their journey back to alignment. Our collective is here to become part of an alliance for a cross-cultural healing space of holistic practitioners and mind-body guides bringing accessibility, accountability, and intersectional experiences.

For more information on workplace burnout and the benefits of supporting your employees, here are some helpful resources:

  • Due to the global pandemic, 80% of companies say their employees' productivity has been significantly affected, a trend that will continue if employers don’t take action.

  • A staggering 87% of employees worldwide are not engaged. Many companies are experiencing a crisis of engagement and aren't aware of it. 

  • Companies with highly engaged workforces outperform their peers by 147% in earnings per share.

I request a Hōm membership to be considered for subsidization as a company benefit. The total cost of this monthly service will be [INSERT TOTAL COST]. I will be submitting an itemized receipt from Hōm to [XXX] with my regular expense report.

If [INSERT YOUR COMPANY’S NAME] is interested in exploring Hōm as a subsidized employee benefit, please visit https://homcollective.family/ for more information. 

Thank you for your support on this important issue. Please contact me if you have any questions at [INSERT YOUR PHONE/EXT] or [INSERT YOUR EMAIL]. Sincerely, [INSERT YOUR NAME] [INSERT YOUR TITLE]